Meet Mauritian Dr Pascale Dinan recipient of our travel bursary supported by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Healthy Ageing Challenge!

We are delighted Dr Pascale Dinan has accepted our offer of our 2023 travel bursary, supported by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Healthy Ageing Challenge, to attend the Global Ageing Conference, 7-8 September 2023, Glasgow, Scotland.

Geriatrician Dr Pascale is a member of Groupement FIAPA (Fédération Internationale des Associations De Personnes Agées), a not-for-profit NGO, which is part of the administrative Board of FIAPE France. FIAPA is an international organisation was born from the desire of some sixty associations from four countries (France, Italy, Belgium and Spain) to defend the rights and interests of the elderly within our society.

The main focus of Groupement FIAPA is to promote the wellbeing and health of people older than 55 years of age; each week the FIAPE group organise wellbeing activities, such as yoga, choir singing, line dancing, tai chi, workshops and talks on healthy ageing, for up to 30 older people.

“This helps to diminish solitude, create intergenerational links, promote volunteering and promote healthy ageing,” Dr Pascale explains. “We work in close relationship with Association Alzheimer’s Mauritius.”

Aimed at helping medical practitioners, paramedics, and raising general awareness of geriatric issues the FIAPA group also organise conferences and events with national experts. Through these events they hope to encourage the government for implementation of best practice. The group also organises an annual geriatric conference with local and international experts to promote gerontology in Mauritius, and a special event for International Day of Older Persons.

In other areas, the Group held training sessions for managers of retirement homes and paramedics to help them understand more about the health and wellbeing of older people. This was approved by the Mauritius Qualification Authority and a certificate of attendance issued after 72 hours of training.

“Mauritius is a leading and emerging country in the Indian Ocean region with regards to the implementation of geriatrics,” says Pascale.

She explains more about her work in this video:

Healthy Ageing

When it comes to healthy ageing, Pascale believes more Mauritians need to understand the issue. She feels more older Mauritians should be assessed so physical exercises adapted to the capacities of the patient, motivational coaching and regular fitness sessions can be prescribed.

“Regular physical exercise should also be promoted; adequate technology, sports halls, paramedical therapists and physical educators are needed in every retirement home but also in towns and communities for the well-being of the elderly,” she says. “The aim is to limit iatrogenic medication with regular revisions of prescriptions by doctors to limit side effects. Therapeutic education should be offered for high prevalent chronic diseases in Mauritius such as arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes.”

Pascale also would like to see educational programs on successful ageing at different ages in primary, secondary and higher education institutions, along with training medical and paramedical practitioners in the field of healthy ageing.

“Developing research, establishing facts and following the evaluation process in the field of healthy aging are essential. A national community program on healthy ageing has to be put in place so that government and civil society understand the responsibility that everyone has to implement successful aging programs,” she ways. “The Mauritian society is facing major demographic challenges, like other countries in the Indian Ocean and Commonwealth.”

By partnering with us, the benefits of UKRI’s Healthy Ageing Challenge research and innovation can assist in Pascale and her work in raising awareness and more education about healthy ageing, as well as health  Mauritius.

UKRI’s Healthy Ageing Challenge aims to help people remain active, productive, independent and socially connected across generations for as long as possible. It does this by enabling businesses, including social enterprises, to develop and deliver beneficial products, services and business models.

We are very much looking forward to meeting Pascale at the conference, and learning more about her innovative programmes and networks, and care and ageing services in Mauritius.

Find out more about CommonAge’s activities, supported by UKRI at the Global Ageing Conference here.

Join us at the Global Ageing Conference!

Book your tickets now. Registration closes 17 August – click on the image below for more details.

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